Lucina Gil will play de role of Alphonse in the next Baraka Teatro production, The dead garden.
Puntos Suspensivos
Lucina Gil is one of the protagonists of Puntos suspensivos, directed by Esther Santos (Madrid Teatro Lara).
Punta Escarlata
Lucina Gil will play de role of Teresa in Punta Escarlata, the next Globomedia production (Tele 5).
Lucina Gil, included in the cast of Sofia, tv movie directed by Antonio Hernández (Antena 3 Television).
Blog of Acto Primero
Lucina Gil writes in the blog of the publishing house Acto Primero:
Goya for El Hombre Feliz
Lucina Gil wins the Goya for the best documentary shortfilm, El hombre feliz.